Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Meetings, Meetings and Meetings
This week the staff of Lucas Oil Raceway has been meeting with the racers in the Summit Racing Equipment ET Bracket Racing Series and getting feedback on what they would like to see from us for the upcoming season. In two meetings, with the final one coming tonight, there has been some great conversation with a great flow of information from the drivers and from our staff to them. The racers at Lucas Oil Raceway are the backbone of the track and are most valuable form of advertising as word of mouth is more effective than any commercial could ever be. While some think of meetings as boring there has been tremendous energy in these meeetings and has been a great way for racers to see each other and catch up o the off season news. We hope that they see the changes being made are for the betterment of the program and that they are able to reap the rewards during the course of the season.
One great program that is being offered by one of our Lucas Oil Raceway racers is the 'free money' program being offered by Sullivan's Tire located here in Hendricks County. The offer is simple: When you purchase $300.00 of trailer tires or any equal service just ask for a Sullivan;s decal and place it on your car. If your car has the sticker on it when you win a race your free money will be $100 for Super Pro, $50 for Pro, $30 for Street and $20 for Junior Dragster. This is a great way racers are giving back to the program and f you have any questions call Craig at 317-272-5050.
That is all for this edition of In the Groove with Lucas Oil Raceway as I'm off to another meeting! Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Lucas Oil Raceway, new name for a classic facility
We also want to thank all of those that helped with the press conference at the AARWBA dinner last Sunday. Check out the guys from Frameworks Marketing Group working to get our logo printed to be used at the Press Conference.
Also thanks to the gang from AARWBA for hosting our press conference and Forrest Lucas for attending the event and the unveiling of the new Lucas Oil Raceway at Indianapolis Logo.
For readers of In the Groove with Lucas Oil Raceway we hope you can join us this weekend at the Cabin Fever Racers Trade Show and Swap Meet taking place at the Kokomo Event Center this Friday and Saturday. Information on the event can be found on their web page.
Also if you are a bracket racer be sure to join us for preseason meetings taking place next week at Eaton Hall at the Brownsburg Town Hall. More information can be found here.
We hope you have a great week and please stop by to say hello if you come to the trade show!